Anupama Full Episode Written Update 13th October 2023: Toshu and Pakhi tell Vanraj that they will not give statements against Sonu in court

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Anupama Full Episode Written Update 13th October 2023

The episode begins with Anupama and Vanraj standing at the gate of their house, facing Suresh. Suresh tries to intimidate them with his money and power, but Anupama and Vanraj stand firm. Anupama tells him that they will never give up fighting for justice for Samar.

Suresh threatens to use his contacts to get the case against Sonu dropped, but Anupama and Vanraj warn him that they will not be cowed down. They tell him that they are ready to fight him in court and in the media.

Suresh realizes that he is not going to get anywhere with Anupama and Vanraj, so he decides to leave. He tells them that they will regret crossing him, but Anupama and Vanraj are not afraid. They know that they are fighting for the right thing, and they are determined to get justice for Samar.

Later that day, Kavya is on her way home in an auto rickshaw when the driver suddenly stops the vehicle. Kavya asks the driver to stop, but he tells her to tell her family to withdraw the case against Sonu, or else another child of their family may die.

Kavya is terrified and starts screaming for help. She falls out of the auto and starts running, but the driver follows her. Kavya manages to escape and runs into the arms of Anupama and Vanraj, who have just arrived home.

Anupama and Vanraj are shocked to hear what happened to Kavya. They realize that Suresh is not afraid to stoop to any low to get what he wants. They decide to increase security around their house and family.

Anupama is shaken by the incident, but she is also determined to protect her family. She tells Vanraj that they will not let Suresh win. They will fight for justice for Samar, no matter what.

Meanwhile, Toshu and Pakhi tell Vanraj that they will not give statements against Sonu in court. They say that they are tired of all the fighting and just want to move on with their lives.

Vanraj is disappointed with Toshu and Pakhi’s decision, but he understands their point of view. He tells them that he will respect their decision.

However, Vanraj and Anupama are determined to continue fighting for justice for Samar. They know that it will not be easy, but they are prepared to do whatever it takes.

The episode ends with Anupama and Vanraj looking at Samar’s photo and promising him that they will get him justice.

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